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Moving e2e testing into production with multi-tenancy for increased speed and reliability

When DoorDash was on a monolithic application, developers’ end-to-end (e2e) testing needs were solved by sandboxes but, when DoorDash moved from monolith to microservices, we needed a more scalable approach to production testing.

Building a Unified Chat Experience at DoorDash

Resolving customer problems at scale is not an easy task, which is why the most feasible solution is implementing a chat feature; however, making these chat experiences unified and cohesive is a challenge in itself. 

DoorDash customers often want to be able to talk to a customer support representative immediately.

Using Kotlin, React, and Postgres to Create a No-Code Platform for Building Customized Workflows

Creating a better customer experience often requires flexible software that can be updated to accommodate new situations without requiring developers to be involved.

Your Deep Links Might Be Broken: Web Intents and Android 12

Part of being a modern-day Android developer is keeping up with Google’s latest update that can have outsized effects and consequences on application’s performance, especially when new changes affect how older app versions function. 

Generally, Google releases two types of changes that impact developers: API changes and behavior changes. 

Fortunately, API changes tend to be obvious.