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Failure Mitigation for Microservices: An Intro to Aperture

When dealing with failures in a microservice system, localized mitigation mechanisms like load shedding and circuit breakers have always been used, but they may not be as effective as a more globalized approach.

How to Speed up Local Development of a Docker Application running on AWS

While most engineering tooling at DoorDash is focused on making safe incremental improvements to existing systems, in part by testing in production (learn more about our end-to-end testing strategy), this is not always the best approach when launching an entirely new business line.

How DoorDash Designed a Successful Write-Heavy Scalable and Reliable Inventory Platform

As DoorDash made the move from made-to-order restaurant delivery into the Convenience and Grocery (CnG) business, we had to find a way to manage an online inventory per merchant per store that went from tens of items to tens of thousands of items.