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Functional Core, Imperative Shell – Using Structured Concurrency to Write Maintainable gRPC Endpoints in Kotlin

In the process of migrating from a python monolith to a service-oriented architecture using gRPC microservices in Kotlin, DoorDash Engineering had the opportunity to better define patterns for how we implement gRPC endpoints.

Improving Fault Tolerance with RPC Fallbacks in DoorDash’s Microservices

Failures in a large, complex microservice architecture are inevitable, so built-in fault tolerance — retries, replication, and fallbacks — are a critical part of preventing system-wide outages and a negative user experience.

How We Applied Client-Side Caching to Improve Feature Store Performance by 70%

At DoorDash, we make millions of predictions every second to power machine learning applications to enhance our search, recommendation, logistics, and fraud areas,  and scaling these complex systems along with our feature store is continually a challenge.