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Libera tu potencial: 5 estrategias para identificar oportunidades de liderazgo en el sector tecnológico

Contrary to popular belief that the key to an exceptional career is the accumulation of skills and experience over time, I believe that taking advantage of breakout opportunities is a game-changer in your career.

Functional Core, Imperative Shell - Uso de la concurrencia estructurada para escribir puntos finales gRPC mantenibles en Kotlin

In the process of migrating from a python monolith to a service-oriented architecture using gRPC microservices in Kotlin, DoorDash Engineering had the opportunity to better define patterns for how we implement gRPC endpoints.

DoorDash se convierte en patrocinador de la beca Hack the Planet

TLDR: DoorDash se complace en patrocinar a otros dos ingenieros para la beca Hack the Planet, que contribuye activamente a aumentar la diversidad tecnológica en el ámbito de los sistemas distribuidos.